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P. 127
Unit 5:
Gender Stereotypes
(After Good News Bible, Genesis,2,3
Abridged and adapted
…Then the Lord God took some soil The woman thought how
from the ground and formed a man out wonderful it would be to become
of it; he breathed life-giving breath into wise. So she took some of the fruit
his nostrils and the man began to live. and ate it. Then she gave some to
The Lord God put the man he had her husband, and he also ate it…
formed to cultivate and guard the
garden in Eaden. In the middle of the The Lord God punished them …
garden stood the tree that gives life and And he said to the woman, "I will
the tree that gives knowledge of what is increase your trouble in pregnancy
good and what is bad… The Lord God and your pain in giving birth. In
forbade the man to eat the fruit from the spite of this, you will still have
tree of knowledge. desire for your husband, yet you
Then the Lord God decided to make will be subject to him."
a suitable companion to help the man." And he said to the man, "You
So … the Lord God made the man fall listened to your wife and ate the
into a deep sleep, and while he was fruit which I told you not to eat.
sleeping, he took out one of the man's Because of what you have done, the
ribs and closed up the flesh. He formed ground will be under a curse….
a woman out of the rib and brought her You will have to work hard and
to him then the man said, sweat to make the soil produce
"At last, here is one of my own kind - anything, until you go back to the
Bone taken from my bone, and flesh soil from which you were formed.
from my flesh. You were made from soil, and you
'Woman' is her name because she will become soil again."
was taken out of man." Adam ("mankind" in Hebrew)
That is why a man leaves his father named his wife Eve (sounds similar
and mother and is united with his wife, to "living" in Hebrew).
and they become one. Then the Lord God said, "Now the
…The woman knew that God had man has become like one of us and
forbidden to eat the fruit from the tree has knowledge of what is good and
of knowledge, but the cunning snake what is bad… And the Lord God
that lived in the garden tricked the sent him out of the garden of Eden
woman into tasting the fruit saying that
when they ate the fruit they would be
like God and know what was good and
what was bad.