Page 84 - The phenomenal demographic and technological changes in the 21st century
P. 84

1. Gasoline is...

          2. Gasoline is used...

          3. Gasoline is obtained...

          4. Gasoline are divided...

          5. Aviation gasolines include...

          6. Aviation gasoline consists of...

          7. Automobile gasolines include...

          8. Automobile gasolines are marked...

          2. Підтвердіть або спростуйте наступні твердження:

          1. Gasoline is produced from oil.

          2. Gasoline can be easily dissolved in water.

          3. Gasoline is odourless.

          4. Special additives influence the color of gasoline.

          5. The basic elements gasoline consists of are carbon and hydrogen.

          6. Aviation gasoline consists of four components.

          7. The octane number of gasolines is determined by two methods.

          8. Both automobile and aviation gasolines are widely used at present.

          3. Дайте відповіді на запитання:

           1. What is gasoline?

           2. Where is gasoline used?

           3. How is gasoline obtained?

           4. What kind of liquid is gasoline?

           5. What colour is gasoline?

           6. What odour has gasoline?

           7. Is gasoline insoluble in water?

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