Page 79 - The phenomenal demographic and technological changes in the 21st century
P. 79

8. Gasoline containing hydrocarbons with boiling points (температура кипіння)
                      varying from 30  C to 215  C is called straight-run gasoline.

                                                            TEXT A


                         Gasolines  are  fuels  used  for  internal-combustion  piston  engines  having  a

                  spark-plug ignition. Gasoline is used in passenger cars, lorries, armoured personnel

                  carriers, some types of aircraft and helicopters.

                         Gasoline  is  a  product  of  oil  refining.  It  is  obtained  by  catalytic  cracking,

                  catalytic reforming and straight-run distillation of petroleum.

                         Pure gasoline is a combustible liquid, colourless or light yellow. Gasoline

                  containing  ethyl  liquid  may  be  orange-red,  blue-green,  etc.  Nowadays  the

                  production of ethyl liquid containing gasolines is prohibited in Ukraine/ Gasoline

                  has  a  sharp  specific  odour  and  is  practically  insoluble  in  water.  The  density  of

                  gasoline  varies  from  0,7  to  0,78.  Gasoline  contains  86%  of  carbon,  14%  of

                  hydrogen and also oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, etc. in insignificant quantities.

                         Taking into consideration a great variety of engines and conditions of their

                  application  two  kinds  of  gasoline  -  aviation  and  automobile  gasolines  are

                  produced. Each kind of gasoline is divided into several grades.

                         Aviation  gasoline  consists  of  reference  gasoline,  high-octane  components,

                  antiknock components and additives stabilizing the antiknock component solution

                  in gasoline.

                         Nowadays  the  following  aviation  gasoline  grades  are  produced:  Б-95/130,

                  Б-95/115.  Aviation  gasolines  are  used  for  aviation  piston  engines  having  the

                  compression ratio 6-7.

                         Automobile gasoline is the most commercial fuel. At present our oil industry

                  produces the following gasoline grades: A-76, А-80, А-92, А-95, А-98. The letter

                  «A»  and  figures  characterizing  the  gasoline  octane  number  mark  automobile

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