Page 87 - The phenomenal demographic and technological changes in the 21st century
P. 87


                  6.  Які  марки  автобензинів  Вам          f) Automobile gasoline includes the A-76, A-

                      відомі?                                    80, А-92, А-95, А-98 gasoline grades.

                                                            TEXT B

                                        BUTANE AS AN OCTANE ENHANCER

                         1. One of the most important octane enhancers is butane. Butane vaporizing

                  at about 31 C at normal atmospheric pressure is dissolved easily in gasoline and
                  has  an  octane  rating  of  about  92.  Blending  it  into  gasoline  not  only  raises  the

                  gasoline octane but also enables refineries to improve their profit margins since it

                  costs a lot less to make than other gasoline components.

                         2. Butane is a highly volatile substance. You see the wavy-looking air when

                  you  put  gas  in  your  car.  It  is  mostly  escaping  butane  -  a  good  reason  for  not

                  smoking at gas stations.

                         3. Some volatility is necessary for gasoline. A motor fuel has to evaporate

                  before  it  can  be  burned  in  an  engine.  The  fuel  going  into  engine  cylinders  is  a

                  vapour not a liquid. Once a car is up and running vaporizing the gasoline is easy:

                  the engine heat takes care of it. But starting a cold engine, especially on a cold day

                  requires a fuel vaporizing very readily all by itself.

                         4. Too much volatility causes problems, however. On a hot day (or on a cold

                  day in a hot engine) excessively volatile fuels can cause a condition called vapour

                  lock. This occurs when evaporated fuel stymies the fuel pump, which can pump

                  only liquids, and brings everything to a halt. Excessive volatility can also cause

                  starting and restarting problems. As a result, gasoline makers sell different blends

                  in different geographic regions at different times of the year. Some producers alter

                  their blends to compensate for changes in the weather.

                         5. Highly volatile fuels also cause greater air pollution. All cars leak fuel

                  vapours, even when they are not in use. The vapours seeping out of carburettors,

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