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Ознайомлюючий етап

                                  1  Вступне слово викладача:
                                  We’ll  see  the  film  presented  by  Universal  and  Columbia
                            pictures. It is based on a true story. You should concentrate your
                            attention on the  main  idea of this  film, on the  most problematic
                            episodes, on the unfamiliar lexic and slang. You’ll watch the film
                            without  any  task  to  check  whether  you  understood  the  film  in

                                  2  Перегляд кінофрагменту (без коментарів).

                                     3  Контроль загального розуміння кіно фрагменту:

                            Task 1

                            Answer the questions:
                            1  Where does the action take place?
                            2  Why did Mr. Foil make an appointment with Ed Marsy?
                            3  Why were many people ill?
                            4  What did Erin talk to the toxicologist from the local hospital
                            5  What was the judge’s decision?

                            Task 2
                                  Pick  the  most  important  episodes  out  of  this  chapter  and
                            describe them.

                                  4    Установка  викладача  на  більш  детальне  розуміння
                            ідейної спрямованості фільму:
                                  Now you’ll watch this chapter one more time. I advise you to
                            be  very  attentive,  because  during  the  second  demonstration
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