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P. 19

9.      Adjectives: green, small, thin, old.
                                  10.     Verbs: to see, to say, to tell, to talk, to give.
                                  So, the vocabulary of English and Ukrainian languages has
                            following layers:
                                  1.      All-Indo-European vocabulary.  For example: англ.
                            a mother, four, to sit, a guest, an eye, a night, a salt,; укр. мати,
                            чотири, сидіти, гість, око, ніч, сіль.
                                  2.      Germanic  element  —  in  English;  Slavonic  —  in
                            Ukrainian. For example: англ. an arm, a finger, a bear, a grass, a
                            frost,  a  spring,  a  land,  a  bench,  a  ship,to  give;  укр  .  вівчар,
                            мачуха,  трава,  палець,  ведмідь,  буря,  відро,  ніж,  коровай,
                            пиво, диво, дума, варити, читати, розумний, солодкий.
                                  3.      The  borrowed  vocabulary.  For  example:  англ.  a
                            desire,  to  adore,  gay,  a  channel,  a  chieftain  (from  French),  to
                            admire, a phenomenon, plum, a wall (from Latin), a skin, a sky, to
                            screw,  a  skirt  (from  Scandinavian),  a  potato,  a  tomato  (from
                            Spanish), a philosophy, linguistics, comedy, progress, primadonna
                            (from Greek), a masterpiece, a wonder child (from German), first
                            dancer,  prima  ballerina,  an  alarm,  a  piano(from  Italian),  a
                            collective  farm,  a  five-year  plan  (from  Russian);  укр.  повидло,
                            стъожка  (from  Polish),  св1дом1стъ,  фортуна  (from  Latin),
                            архангел,  псалом  (from  Greek),  штепселъ,  ландшафт  (from
                            German),  авангард,  десерт  (from  French),  бюджет,
                            менеджмент (from English), валюта, фонтан (from Italian).
                                  In order to have a better understanding of the problem, it will
                            be  necessary  to  go  through  a  brief  survey  of  certain  historical
                            periods  (facts)  of  English  and  Firstly,  some  information  about
                            English vocabulary. There are some periods in English origin:
                                  1.      The  first  century  B.  C.  Most  of  the  territory  now
                            known to us as Europe was occupied by the Roman Empire. The
                            tribal  languages  contained  only  Indo-European  and  German
                            elements. Since this period in English appear words from Latin (a
                            butter, a cheese, a pea, a plant, a kitchen).

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