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укр.  N  (іменники  чи  займенники)  +  ставати  (чоловік
                            встав ні світ ні зоря) — “приймати вертикальне положення
                            дуже рано”;
                                  укр.  V  ставати  +  Adj  (прикметники  чи  займенники-
                            прикмет- ники) — (небо ставало темним) — “робилося”.
                                  Distributive  analysis  needs  for  Contrastive  Lexicology,
                            because  it  helps  to  define  the  contextual  meaning  of  the  word
                            subjects to its links. For example, English suffixes —er; -ist have
                            the  analogue  in  Ukrainian:  pianist—  піаніст;  dancer  —
                                  The  theory  of  immediate  constituents  analysis  was
                            originally elaborated as an attempt to determine the ways in which
                            lexical  units  are  relevantly  related  to  one  another  .  It  was
                            discovered that combinations of such units are usually structured
                            into  hierarchically  arranged  sets  of  binary  constructions.  In
                            comparative  investigation  this  analysis  shows  the  significant
                            difference  in  the  morphemic  structure  of  Ukrainian  and  English
                            words. English words can divide into more quantity of morphemes
                            than  Ukrainian  words.  For  example:  англ.  law/  ful/ness;
                            dis/cuss/ion; укр. роз/бір/ли/вий; дер/жа/во/тво/рен/ня.
                                  It should be pointed out that the componental analysis deals
                            with  individual  meanings.  Different  meanings  of  polysemantic
                            words  have  different  componental  structure.  For  example,  the
                            comparison  of  two  meanings  of  the  noun  boy  —  “дитина
                            чоловічої статі до 17 чи 18 років”, “обслуговуючий персонал
                            чоловічої  статі  незалежно  від  віку  в  Африканських  і
                            Азіатських країнах” — reveals that through both of them contain
                            the  semantic  components  “human”  (людина);  “male”  (чоловік);
                            the  component  “young’  (молодий),  which  is  a  part  of  the  one
                            meaning, is not necessarily to be found in the other.
                                  The componental analysis is currently combined with other
                            linguistic  procedures  used  for  investigation  of  meaning.  The
                            contrastive  analysis  supplemented  by  the  componental  analysis
                            yields very good results as one can clearly see the lack of one-to-

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