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Economic Theory

            framework  can  be  useful  in  many  different  contexts.  Each  piece  of
            economic  theory  is  first  introduced  and  explained  in  the  context  of  a
            specific  application.  Most  are  reused  in  other  chapters,  so  students  see
            them  in  action  on  multiple  occasions.  As  students  progress  through  the

            book, they accumulate a set of techniques and ideas.
                  The  present  book  emphasizes  the  economics  that  most  economists

            agree  upon,  minimizing  debates  and  schools  of  thought.  Most  key
            economic ideas can be understood using basic tools of markets, accounting
            identities, and budget sets. These are simpler for students to understand,
            are less controversial within the profession, and do not require allegiance

            to a particular school of thought.
                  This textbook introduces students to accessible versions of dynamic
            decision-making,  choice  under  uncertainty,  and  market  power  from  the

            beginning.  Students  are  aware  that  they  live  in  an  uncertain  world,  and
            their  choices  are  made  in  a  forward-looking  manner.  Students  are  also
            aware that firms typically set prices and that most firms sell products that
            are differentiated from those of their competitors. Students end up thinking

            that economic theory is unrealistic and unrelated to the real world.
                  The  underlying  idea  of  the  authors  is  to  provide  a  student  general
            understanding of economics as a subject more clearly and analytically.

                  The authors believe that the study of economics can illuminate much
            about the world and that the lessons learned, if properly applied, can make
            the world a better place.

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