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P. 19

Economic Theory


                  Review Questions

                  1. How is Economics defined?
                  2. What are three reasons to study economics?

                  3. Who is regarded as the father of economics?
                  4. “Economics is a science of choice” – explain.
                  5. “Economics  is  a  science  which  studies  human  behavior  as  a

            relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternative uses”.
                  6. What is the scope of microeconomics?
                  7. What  are  examples  of  individual  economic  agents?  What  is  the

            basic problem of an economy?
                  8. What do you mean by the terms “ends” and “means”?
                  9. What is the meaning of economizing of resources? Why is there a

            need for economizing resources?
                  10. What  is  meant  by  scarcity  in  economics?  Can  you  think  of  two
            causes of scarcity?
                  11. Explain how scarcity and choice go together.

                  12. Write five importance of microeconomics.
                  13. What  is  the  difference  between  microeconomics  and

                  14. What are the main goals of macroeconomics?
                  15. How is economic model defined?

                  Multiple-Сhoice Questions

                  1. What are the reasons to study economics?

                      a)  to be an informed voter;
                      b)  to understand society and global affairs;
                      c)  to learn a way of thinking;
                      d)  all of the above.

                  2. Economics is best defined as the study of:
                      a)  financial decision-making;

                      b)  how consumers make purchasing decisions;
                      c)  choices made by people faced with scarcity;
                      d)  inflation, unemployment, and economic growth.

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