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              1.  self-disclosures and advice requests to gain favor,
              2.  attitude similarity and sincerity.
                    Upward communication is unlikely to occur if there are psychological barriers between
              superior and subordinate.
                    Examples of upward communication are as follows:
              1.  Complaint
              2.  Feedback
              3.  Recommended solutions
              4.  Requests for assistance
              5.  Status reports

                    Formal  Horizontal  Channels
                    Conboy (1976) defines horizontal communication as the exchanges between and among
              agencies and personnel on the same level of the organization chart. Coordination or integration
              is required to keep the organization running efficiently. It is sometimes not unusual to find two
              or  more  departments  developing  similar  plans  without  knowing  it  because  of  a  lack  of
              coordination  between  units.  This  phenomenon  is  known  as  a  differentiation-integration
                    Horizontal  channels  connect  people  of  similar  rank  and  status  with  customers  and
              suppliers inside  and outside  an organization. Through  horizontal channels, workers  provide
              feedback, keep people informed, coordinate activities, seek assistance, and stay close to the
              customers. Staying close to customers can mean literally staying close.
                    Toll-free long-distance telephone lines for customers are horizontal channels that connect
              consumers  with  those  in  the  company,  no  matter  what  level,  who  can  best  answer  their
              questions or meet their needs. World Perfect Corporation is renowed in the PC world for the
              rapid and exhaustive telephone support it supplies for consumers of many  of its soft products.
                    Horizontal communication channels are used to set goals; define roles; create, examine,
              and improve methods; improve working relationships; define, investigate, and solve problems;
              and gather, process, and distribute information. Communicating with peers can be summarized
              as identifying four functions:
              1.  to coordinate activities,
              2.  to solve problems,
              3.  to share information,
              4.  to resolve conflicts,
              5.  to provide assistance,
              6.  to get to know them as individuals.
                    Examples of horizontal communication are as follows:
              1.  Coordination efforts
              2.  Efforts to seek assistance
              3.  Feedback
              4.  Information about customers
              5.  Information about supplier

                    Formal Communication Networks
                    Formal communication networks are electronic links between people and their equipment
              and  between  people  and  databases  that  store  information.  Organizations  have  linked  their
              desktop computers for years.
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