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lead  to  the  attainment  of  organizational  goals  and  objectives.  When  properly
               designed, such controls should lead to better performance because an organization is
               able to execute its strategy better.   As shown in the the P-O-L-C framework figure,
               we  typically  think  of  or  talk  about  control  in  a  sequential  sense,  where  controls

               (systems and processes) are put in place to make sure everything is on track and stays
               on track. Controls can be as simple as a checklist, such as that used by pilots, flight
               crews, and some doctors.   Increasingly, however, organizations manage the various
               levels, types, and forms of control through systems called Balanced Scorecards. We
               will discuss these in detail later in the chapter.
                      Organizational control typically involves four steps: (1) establish standards, (2)
               measure  performance,  (3)  compare  performance  to  standards,  and  then  (4)  take
               corrective  action  as  needed.  Corrective  action  can  include  changes  made  to  the
               performance standards—setting them higher or lower or identifying new or additional
               standards. Sometimes we think of organizational controls only when they seem to be
               absent, as in the 2008 meltdown of U.S. financial markets, the crisis in the U.S. auto
               industry, or the much earlier demise of Enron and MCI/Worldcom due to fraud and
               inadequate controls. However, as shown in the figure, good controls are relevant to a
               large spectrum of firms beyond Wall Street and big industry.
                      The Need for Control in Not-for-Profit Organizations
                      We  tend  to  think  about  controls  only  in  the  for-profit  organization  context.
               However,  controls  are  relevant  to  a  broad  spectrum  of  organizations,  including
               governments,  schools,  and  charities.  Jack  Siegel,  author  of A  Desktop  Guide  for
               Nonprofit Directors, Officers, and Advisors: Avoiding Trouble While Doing Good,
               outlines this top 10 list of financial controls that every charity should put in place:
                      Control 1—Require two signatures for checks written on bank and investment
               accounts. This prevents unapproved withdrawals and payments.
                      Control  2—The  organization’s  bank  statements  should  be  reconciled  on  a
               monthly basis by someone who does not have signature authority over the accounts.
               This is a further check against unapproved withdrawals and payments.
                      Control 3—Since cash is particularly susceptible to theft, organizations should
               eliminate the use of cash to the extent possible.
                      Control 4—Organizations should only purchase goods from an approved list of
               vendors. This provides protection from phony invoices submitted by insiders.
                      Control  5—Many  charities  have  discovered  “ghost  employees”  on  their
               payrolls. To minimize this risk, organizations should tightly control the payroll list by
               developing a system of reports between payroll/accounting and the human resources
                      Control 6—Organizations should require all otherwise reimbursable expenses
               to  be  preauthorized.  Travel  and  entertainment  expenses  should  be  governed  by  a
               clearly articulated written policy that is provided to all employees.
                      Control  7—Physical  inventories  should  be  taken  on  a  regular  and  periodic
               basis and then be reconciled against the inventories carried on the books. Besides the
               possible detection of theft, this control also provides a basis for an insurance claim in
               the case of a fire, flood, or other disaster.

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