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Despite  these  downsides,  however,  mechanistic  structures  have  advantages
               when the environment is more stable. The main advantage of a mechanistic structure
               is its efficiency. Therefore, in organizations that are trying to maximize efficiency
               and  minimize  costs,  mechanistic  structures  provide  advantages.  For  example,

               McDonald’s has a famously bureaucratic structure where employee jobs are highly
               formalized,  with  clear  lines  of  communication  and  specific  job  descriptions.  This
               structure  is  an  advantage  for  them  because  it  allows  McDonald’s  to  produce  a
               uniform product around the world at minimum cost. Mechanistic structures can also
               be advantageous when a company is new. New businesses often suffer from a lack of
               structure, role ambiguity, and uncertainty. The  presence  of a mechanistic  structure
               has been shown to be related to firm performance in new ventures.           [11]
                      In  contrast  to  mechanistic  structures, organic structures are  flexible  and
               decentralized,  with  low  levels  of  formalization.  In  Organizations  with  an  organic
               structure,  communication  lines  are  more  fluid  and  flexible.  Employee  job
               descriptions  are  broader  and  employees  are  asked  to  perform  duties  based  on  the
               specific needs of the organization at the time as well as their own expertise levels.
               Organic structures tend to be related to higher levels of job satisfaction on the part of
               employees.  These  structures  are  conducive  to  entrepreneurial  behavior  and
               innovativeness.   [12]  An  example  of  a  company  that  has  an  organic  structure  is  the
               diversified  technology  company  3M.  The  company  is  strongly  committed  to
               decentralization.  At  3M,  there  are  close  to  100  profit  centers,  with  each  division
               feeling  like  a  small  company.  Each  division  manager  acts  autonomously  and  is
               accountable for his or her actions. As operations within each division get too big and
               a product created by a division becomes profitable, the operation is spun off to create
               a separate business unit. This is done to protect the agility of the company and the
               small-company atmosphere.       [13]
                      KEY TAKEAWAY
                         The  degree  to  which  a  company  is  centralized  and  formalized,  the
                  number of levels in the company hierarchy, and the type of departmentalization
                  the company uses are key elements of a company’s structure. These elements
                  of structure affect the degree to which the company is effective and innovative
                  as  well  as  employee  attitudes  and  behaviors  at  work.  These  elements  come
                  together  to  create  mechanistic  and  organic  structures.  Mechanistic  structures
                  are rigid and bureaucratic and help companies achieve efficiency, while organic
                  structures  are  decentralized,  flexible,  and  aid  companies  in  achieving
                         1.  What are the advantages and disadvantages of decentralization?
                         2.  All  else  being  equal,  would  you  prefer  to  work  in  a  tall  or  flat
                  organization? Why?
                         3.  What are the advantages and disadvantages of departmentalization by

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