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9. Landscape degradation within mining area of central part of Ukraine. Деградація
                  ландшафтів у районах видобутку корисних копалин у центральній Україні
                          10.  Conclusions. Висновки

                         Good Afternoon, ladies and gentelmen! My name is Julia Fediv.We are the students,
                  getting our Master’s Degrees in Geodesy-Cartography and Land-use system (Group GCLm-
                  16-1  and  Group  LSm-16-1).  The  topic  of  our  project  is  «Risk  Assessment  of  Land
                  Degradation Using Satellite Imagery and Geospatial Modelling in Ukraine».
                         Key  words  for  our  project  are:  Anthropogenic  landscape,  Land  degradation,  Soil
                  erosion, Satellite imagery, Geospatial modelling.
                         1. Land degradation is a relevant and important problem for Ukraine. The solution to
                  this problem requires not only a detailed study of land degradation causes, but also involves
                  identifying a risk of land degradation. Unprecedented human activity destroys the landscape
                  complexes globally.
                          Please welcome our first speaker Vira Luniw, who presents us the report, concerning
                  Natural and anthropogenic landscapes of Ukraine.
                         2. Thank you, Vira. Anna Wulchyn – is our next speaker, who is going to deliver a
                  speech concerning the problem of Soil erosion and other exogenous processes.
                         3.  We  are  grateful  for  such  an  interesting  speech,  Anna.  More  profound  about the
                  exogenous  processes,  in  particular  about  dust  storms,  we  are  going  to  hear  from  Vitaliy
                  Heviuk’s report.
                         4.  Thanks,  Vitaliy.  So,  What  is  this  Satellite  imagery  for  the  purpose  of  land
                  degradation mapping? To answer this particular question we are happy to have Julia Bilinska
                  as a speaker.
                         5.  Thank  you,  Julia.  And  now  I,  Julia  Fediv,  am  going  to  provide  more  detailed
                  information about Land degradation geospatial model.
                         6. Thank you for attention. Please welcome our next reporter – Juriy Melnyk, who’s
                  gonna speak about Remote assessment of natural landscape degradation in the southern part
                  of Ukraine.
                         7. We are grateful for your report in this topic, Jura. Vitiuk Andrii is to present us the
                  report  about  natural  landscape  degradation  in  the  industrial  part  of  Southeast  of  Ukraine.
                  Thank you, Andriy.
                         8. It should be concluded that understanding of  long-term land degradation, its many
                  processes is of high priority for Ukraine because of their low cost reliability and ability to
                  cover large areas.
                         Data obtained in this paper show the level of anthropogenic stress, impact of long-term
                  change of vegetation cover and correlation of intensive development of mining, construction,
                  agricultural and other human activities with high level of land degradation within investigated
                         So the further research has to be directed on development of GIS-technology for for
                  landscape changes remote mapping.
                         We are extremely thankful for your attention!
                         Best regards.

                         Слайд 1
                         Risk  Assessment  of  Land  Degradation  Using  Satellite  Imagery  and  Geospatial
                  Modelling in Ukraine
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