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Task  4.  Pick  out  from  the  text  all  the  word  combinations  with  the  following  words  and  give  their
               Ukrainian equivalents.
                     to promote, to impose, advisory, customary, convention.

               Task 5. Complete the following expressions choosing a suitable proposition from the list below; find
               the best way of expressing them in Ukrainian.
                     1.  with the exeption …
                     2.  to be headed …
                     3.  maintenance … peace and security
                     4.  to deal …
                     5.  to impose smth. … smth.
                     6.  to withdraw …
               of, with, by, of, from, on

               Task 6. Translate the following text and pay special attention to the underlined words or phrases.
                                                        European Union
                     The EU was set up after the WW II. Six countries (Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and
               the Netherlands) joined from the very beginning.
                     The EU is based on the rule of Law and Democracy. Principal objectives of the EU are:
                     1)      to  establish  European  citizenship  (Fundamental  rights:  Freedom  of  movement,  Civil  and
               political rights);
                     2)      to  ensure  freedom,  security  and  justice  (Cooperation  in  the  field  of  Justice  and  Home
                     3)      to promote economic and social progress (Single market, Euro, the common currency, job
                     4)      to assert Europe’s role in the world (Common foreign policy and security).
                     The EU is run by five institutions, each playing a specific role:
                          -  European parliament (elected by the peoples of the Member States);
                          -  Council of the EU (composed of the government of the Member
                          -  European Commission (driving force and executive body);
                          -  Court of Juctice (compliance with the Law);
                          -  Court of Auditors (sound and lawful management of the EU budget).

               Task 7. Make the following text complete by translating the phrases in brackets.
                                      International organizations Related to the UN System
                     Besides the UN Specialized Agencies there are also several related agencies, which are (юридично)
               absolutely  autonomous  international  organizations,  but  are  working  under  the  (егіда)  of  the  UN.  The
               (головні)  institutions  among  them  are  International  Atomic  Energy  Agency  (IAEA)  and  World  Trade
               Organization (WTO). They play an important role in specific spheres of their competence. IAEA serves as
               the world central intergovernmental (форум) for scientific and technical cooperation in the peaceful uses of
               nuclear energy. It (надавати) technical assistance to its 127 Member-States in the development of nuclear
               science programs. It formulates basic safety standards for radiation (захист).
                     WTO’s  fundamental  principles  lay  in  non-discrimination:  free  trade,  (підтримка)  competition,
               reduction of protectionism. 28 WTO agreements formulate the legal grand rules for international commerce
               and for (торгівельний) policy. These agreements have three main objectives:
                     a)  to help trade flow as free as possible;
                     b)  (досягнути) further liberalization gradually through negotiations;
                     c)  to set up appropriate means of setting disputes.

               Task 8. Give synonyms to the words in bold type.
                     The European Parliament  (EP) is elected by the citizens  of the European  Union to represent their
               interests. Its origins go back to the 1950s and the founding treaties, and since 1979 its members have been
               directly elected by the people they represent.

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