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P. 89

8.  Every bill is worked … … the committees;
                On, for, of (3), at, in (3), from, out

          Task 6. Translate the following sentences and pay special attention to
          the underlined words or phrases.
                1.      The  President  of  the  USA  has  the  responsibility  of
          enforcing federal laws, appointing and removing high federal officials.
                2.      The Vice President of the US presides over the Senate. The
          Senate  has  certain  exclusive  powers.  It  alone  can  sit  as  a  court  of
          impeachment  to  try  federal  officials  impeached  by  the  House  of
                3.      The  American  people  have  a  strong  voice  in  their
          government.  They  can  exercise  their  democratic  rights  by  voting  in
          national, state and local elections, and by working in political parties and
                4.      The  United  States  has  two  major  political  parties,  the
          Democratic and the Republican. Members of these two parties hold almost
          all the offices in the national, state and local governments.
                5.      The federal law must not violate the US Constitution. All
          state laws must conform to or be in harmony with the federal Constitution
          as well as with the constitution of the state.

          Task  7.  Make  the  following  sentences  complete  by  translating  the
          phrases in brackets.
                1.      The ultimate power under the Constitution is not given to
          the President (виконавча гілка), or to the Congress (законодавча гілка)
          or to the Supreme Court (судова гілка). (Вона належить людям).
                2.      The  President  must  be  able  to  convince  Congressmen  of
          his point of view. (В цьому полягає відмінність американської системи
          влади від парламентарської).
                3.      The  Bill  of  Rights  determines  the  fundamental  rights  of
          Americans;  (свободу  віросповідання,  слова,  преси,  право  мирного
          зібрання, щоб відстоювати свої інтереси).
                4.      The division of power between the states and the national
          government    (називається   федералізмом.   Деякі   повноваження
          належать включно федеральному уряду).

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