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to respect                         поважати
          respect for                        повага до
          to perform military services       виконувати військову службу

          in compliance with                 відповідно до
          to damage                          завдавати шкоди, псувати
          cultural heritage                  культурний спадок
          to pay taxes and duties            платити податки та мита
          in order to                        відповідно до
          in amount                          у кількості
          to determine                       визначати
          power                              влада, повноваження, держава
          government                         уряд, форма правління
          to be divided into                 поділятися на
          the legislative                    законодавча гілка влади
          the executive                      виконавча гілка влади
          the judicial                       судова гілка влади
          to be headed by /to be led by     бути   очоленим   the
          Supreme Court                      Верховний Суд

          Task2.  Read  and  translate  the  text,  write  down  all  the  unknown
          words. Remember that your reading time is not more than 3 minutes.

                           The Fundamental Law of Ukraine
                Governed  by  the  Act  of  Ukraine’s  Independence  of  August  24,
          1991, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on behalf of the Ukrainian people
          adopted the Constitution - The Fundamental Law on June 28, 1996.
                The Constitution of Ukraine consists of preamble, 15 chapters, 161
                The Constitution establishes the country’s political system, assures
          rights, freedoms and duties of citizens, and is the basis for its laws.
                Chapter I of the Constitution asserts that Ukraine is a sovereign and
          independent,  democratic,  social,  legal  state.  It  is  a  unitarian  state  with
          single citizenship.
                Ukraine  is  a  republic.  The  people  are  the  only  source  of  power
          which is exercised directly and through the bodies of state power and local
          self  government.  The  land,  mineral  raw  materials,  air  space,  water  and
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