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P. 65

specialist services          послуги спеціаліста
          to specialize                спеціалізуватися
          stiff collar                 жорсткий комір
          superior court               суд вищої інстанції
          the Bar                      адвокатура, колегія адвокатів
          to administer to             управляти, відправляти (правосуддя)
          carry on legal
          arguments outside court      проводити    правові   дискусії   за
                                       межами суду
          to develop relationship      розвивати відносини
          to give specialist legal advice   надавати консультацію юриста –
          to have the exclusive right of   мати виключне право
          audience as an advocate      виступати у якості адвоката
          to provide clients with      забезпечувати клієнтів
          skilled legal advice         кваліфікованою консультацією
          to recover debts             стягувати борги у судовому порядку
          trainee                      стажист
          verbal                       усний
          wig                          перука
          will                         заповіт

          Task 2. Read and translate the text. Write a list of words, unknown to
          you. Use your dictionary to check their meaning.

                                Barristers and Solicitors
                Although the United Kingdom shares one government, it has several
          legal  systems.  Both  Northern  Ireland  and  Scotland  have  separate  laws,
          judiciaries and legal professions to those in England and Wales.
                The legal profession in England and Wales is made up of barristers
          and solicitors. Traditionally these professions had very distinct roles.
                A  solicitor’s  role  is  to  give  specialist  legal  advice  and  help.
          Solicitors are the main advisers on all matters of law to the public. There
          are around 140,000 practising solicitors in most towns across the UK and
          their work varies enormously.

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