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P. 45
prorogation перерва в роботі
парламенту за королівським
available доступний, готівковий
appropriate розподіляти, асигнувати
to carry a seat займати посаду
Home Secretary Міністр внутрішніх справ
Foreign Secretary Міністр зовнішніх справ
Defence Secretary Міністр оборони
Chancellor of the Exchequer канцлер казначейства (міністр
фінансів Великобританії)
Secretary for Scotland секретар Шотландії
Privy Council таємна рада
in theory в теорії
in practice на практиці
Task 2. Read and translate the text, write down all the unknown
The State System of Great Britain
The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy, which means
that the sovereign reigns but does not rule.
Strictly speaking, Parliament consists of three elements: the
Sovereign (that is the King or the ruling Queen), the House of Lords and
the House of Commons.
The Queen (or King) is officially head of state, head of the
executive, head of the judiciary, head of the legislature, Commander-in-
Chief of the armed forces, “Supreme Governor” of the Church of England.
The monarch is expected to be politically neutral, and should not make
political decisions.
The Parliament legislature consists of 2 chambers: the House of
Lords and the House of Commons.
Members of the House of Commons are elected by the adult
suffrage of British people in general elections, which are held at least
every 5 years. The country is divided into 650 constituencies each of
which elects one MP. The Commons has 650 MPs, of whom only 6.3 %