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Individual writers
            Here it may be just a matter of "personal preference".
            Most newspapers and book publishers have their own "house rules" (also called "style guide") that
            include specifications on the exact style of punctuation that they want their writers to use.
                   Anyone  seeking  guidance  at  an  advanced  level  is  recommended  to  consult  a  style  guide
            (often included in good dictionaries) for their particular variety of English or editorial style. Style
            guides for newspapers and other publications are often available on the Internet and may be found
            by searching for "[name of publication] style guide" or similar.

            13 Correct the punctuation mistakes.
                   Rotary drilling is quite different from cabletool drilling For one thing a rotary rig uses a bit
            that isnt anything like a cabletools chisel bit. Instead of a chisel a rotary bit has rows of teeth or
            other types of cutting – devices that penetrate the formation and then scrape or gouge out pieces of
            it as the rig system rotates the bit (fig. 14). Further a rotary rig doesn't use cable to suspend the bit...
            in the  hole. Rotary crew  members attach the  bit to the end of a  long  string of  hollow pipe. By
            screwing together several joints of pipe, they put the bit on the bottom of the hole (fig. 15). As the
            hole’ deepens they add joints of pipe (fig. 16)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 ROTARY RIG TYPES
                                                  Vocabulary Section

            1 Be sure you know the following words and their translations.

            No              English                       Ukrainian                        Russian
            1     anchor                       якір                              якорь
                                               плавуча бурова установка          плавучая буровая
            2     barge rig
                                               баржевого типу                    установка баржевого типа
            3     caisson                      кессон                            кессон
            4     crew members                 члени бурової бригади             члены буровой бригады
            5     drill ship                   бурильне судно                    буровое судно
            6     drilling unit                буровий агрегат                   буровой агрегат
            7     dynamic positioning          динамічне позиціонування
            8     floater                      плавуча морська основа            плавучая морская основа
            9     fore and aft                 по всій довжині судна             по всей длине судна
            10  hull                           корпус судна                      корпус судна
                                               бурова баржа для внутрішніх       буровая баржа для
            11  inland barge rig
                                               водойм                            внутренних водоемов
                                               самопідйомна бурова               самоподъемная буровая
            12  jackup
                                               установка                         установка
                                                                                 наземная буровая
            13  land rig                       наземна бурова установка

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