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P. 94
A tankfarm consists of 10-100 tanks of varying volume for
a total capacity typically in the area of 1 - 50 million barrels.
Storage for shuttle tankers normally store up to two weeks of
production, one week for normal cycle and one extra week for
delays e.g. bad weather. This could amount to several million
Accurate records of volumes and history is kept to
document what is received and dispatched. For installations that
serve multiple production sites, different qualities and product
blending must also be handled. Another planning task is
forecasting for future received and delivered product to make sure
that the required amount of sold product is available and that
sufficient capacity is reserved for future receivedproducts. A
tankfarm management system keeps track of these parameters and
constraints, logs the operations taking place and overall
consolidation of operations.
Marine Loading
Loading systems consist of one or more loading arms /
jetties, pumps, valves and a metering system.
Figure 6.4 – Marine Loading
Tanker loading systems are complex, both because of the
volume involved, and because several loading arms will normally