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[9] within a single day – протягом одного дня
               [10] do not go very low – не падає дуже низько
               [11] the water has all changed to ice – вода перетворилася на лід
               [12] there is no way of catching yourself – нема способу втриматися
               [13] a great deal of wind – вітряно
               [14] because of its proximity to the ocean – через свою близькість до океану
               [15] cold seems to go right into one's bones. – здається холод пронизує до кісток
               [16] is nothing much one can do about the weather – нічого не можна вдіяти з погодою
               [17] may turn hot – може стати жаркою
               [18] you are shivering with cold – тремтите від холоду
               [19] complains about the weather – скаржиться на погоду
               12. Answer the following questions.
               1. Between what two persons does the above dialogue  take place? 2. From what country
               does Juan come? 3. What kind of climate does Cuba have? 4. Does Juan say that in Cuba
               there  are  four  seasons  in  the  year  or  two  seasons?  5.  Which  system  of  measuring
               temperature  is  used  in  Cuba  and  in  South  America:  Fahrenheit  or  Centigrade?  6.  What
               system is used in the United States? 7. In the Fahrenheit system, at what temperature does
               the water boil? 8. In what city does the above dialogue take place? 9. Does it snow seldom
               or often in winter in New York City? 10. What is the average range of temperature in New
               York City during the winter months of January and February? 11. On what date does spring
               officially begin? 12. Why does the heat in New York City in the summer sometimes become
               suffocating? 13. Why is it difficult in New York City to dress properly for the weather? 14.
               What do New Yorkers say jokingly to any visitor who complains about the weather? 15.
               What weather prediction appeared on the menu of the Mexican restaurant where Juan ate?
                      Слово zero вживається замість 0 в математиці та при позначенні температури:
                      It’s five degrees below zero. – П’ять градусів нижче 0.
               13. Write the following in words:
               -3°; 0°;  +17°; -19°; +25°; -14°.
               14. Translate into Ukrainian.
               1. The sea turned black. 2. The weather turned quite chilly in the afternoon. 3. The leaves
               turn bright red in autumn. 4. It  was damp and cool in the street. 5. These parts are  very
               humid in midsummer. 6. The air was so humid that your breath turned into a moist in front
               of you. 7. We got home soggy and depressed. 8. The frozen earth gets hard. 9. The lake has
               frozen solid. 10. These trees give much shade. The trees guarded the farm from the wind.
               11. The river flows through the middle of the town. 12. After a long and stormy voyage we
               were glad to step on solid ground. 13. A narrow stream flowed down the mountain, twisting
               and turning on its way. 14. A thick layer of snow lay on the ground. 15. Their feet sank into
               the  deep  snow  as  they  walked  on.  16.  The  car  sank  into  the  mud.  17.  The  flower  wants
               sunshine.  18.  As  regards  the  environmental  issues,  the  government  will  enforce  extreme
               regulation. 19. The weather has changed. Deep snow covered the ground. 20. These plants
               should be shielded from direct sunlight.
               15. Write the same in English.
               1.Скільки різних кольорів у веселки ? – Сім. 2. Мене запитали, при якій температурі
               топиться лід. 3. Повінь зруйнувала кілька мостів, у результаті чого стало неможливо
               добратися  до  села  дорогою.  4.  Якщо  така  погода  буде  продовжуватися,  фермерам
               нема чого турбуватися про врожай. 5. Що будеш робити, якщо піде дощ? 6. Що нам
               робити,  якщо  почнеться  дощ?  7.  Відразу  йдіть  додому,  якщо  піде  дощ.  8.  Я  візьму
               парасолю  на  випадок  дощу.  9.  Від  холоду/  В  холодну  погоду  листя  жовтіють.  10.
               Нарешті,  після  тривалого  дощу,  блиснуло  сонце.  11.  Більша  частина  міста  була

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