Page 143 - 4670
P. 143

A vertical angle is an angle formed by two connected lines in the
                  vertical plane, that is, between a low point and two higher points.
                        A vertical angle BAC can be formed, for example, by the line of
                  sight  AB  from  station  A  on  a  river  bank  to  a  higher  water-pump

                  installation, and the line of sight AC from station A to a much higher
                  water-storage tank.
                        Whenever a line is not horizontal, it has a slope. The slope can be

                  uphill or downhill. Its steepness depends on the difference in height
                  between its points. The slope of the ground affects the measurement of
                        The slope of a line is called the gradient. It may be defined as:

                         The  change  in  vertical  distance  or  elevation  over  a  given
                  horizontal distance, or the change in horizontal distance over a given
                  vertical distance;

                         The  vertical  angle, made  by  the  sloping  line  and  a  horizontal
                        Modern  Vertical  angle  and  slope  measurement  methods  are  as

                   Section 1        Method 2                             Remarks             Equipment

                                                                 Quick  and  rough

                                                                 estimate  for  rather  Home-
                  4.1*,4.2*                          Low         steep              slopes. made
                               models 1 & 2
                                                                 Hand-held                   clinometer

                                                                 Is  fixed  in  ground.  Home-
                               Clinometer,           Low  to
                  4.3*                                           Direct  reading  in made
                               model 3               medium
                                                                 percent.                    clinometer

                                                                 Is  fixed  in  ground.
                               Clinometer,           Low  to Small, easy to make.
                  4.4*                                                                       made
                               model 4               medium  Direct  reading  in

                                                     Low         Quick  and  rough
                                                     (about      estimate.                   Lyra-
                  4.5**        Clisimeter
                                                     10          Direct  reading  in  clisimeter

                                                     percent)  percent.

                  4.6**        Optical               Medium  Quick,  rather  good
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