Page 115 - 4670
P. 115
Task 2. Match the English words and word-combinations
with the Ukrainian counterparts.
1. Digital level a) теодолітна зйомка
2. Electronic scanning b) цифрове зображення
3. Remote control c) дистанційне управління
4. Differential leveling
5. Transverse survey d) механічні інструменти
6. Digital display e) різниця висоти
7. Elevational f) цифровий рівень
8. Mechanical tools g) високотехнологічне програмне
9. Vertical control h) геометричне нівелювання
10. High-tech software i) електронне сканування
11. Differential leveling j) висотна основа
Task 3. Match:
a) the survey measurements with the definite methods.
a) Differential leveling
b) Triangulation 1. Horizontal surveying
c) Photogrammetry
d) Trilateration
e) GPS 2. Vertical surveying
f) Transverse survey
b) the instruments with their definitions.
1. Electronic a) are used to understand and interpret
theodolite the shape of things such as buildings or land
by collecting clouds of points to create
digital 3-D models.
2. Total station b) allow the measurement of features or
points anywhere in the world, from space.
3. Deep tows c) is used to capture and analyse data to
create digital maps of areas.
4. EDM d) features self-adjusting and electronic
instruments scanning of the circle and direct reading of
the data from a digital display and/or storing
on a data logger digital levels.