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P. 86


               Consistency. An estimator ˆa is consistent if its value tends to the true value a in the large-sample
               limit, i.e.
                                                           lim ˆa = a.
               Consistency is usually a minimum requirement for a useful estimator. An equivalent statement of
               consistency is that in the limit of large N the sampling distribution P(ˆa|a) of the estimator must
                                                    lim P(ˆa|a) → δ(ˆa − a).

               Bias. The expectation value of an estimator ˆa is given by

                                                  ∫                ∫
                                          E(ˆa) =    ˆ aP(ˆa|a)dˆa =  ˆ a(x)P(x|a)d x,                     (2.1)

               where the second integral extends over all possible values that can be taken by the sample
               elements x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x N . This expression gives the expected mean value of ˆa from an infinite
               number of samples, each of size N. The bias of an estimator ˆa is then defined as

                                                       b(a) = E(ˆa) − a.                                   (2.2)

               We note that the bias b does not depend on the measured sample values x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x N . In
               general, though, it will depend on the sample size N, the functional form of the estimator ˆa and,
               as indicated, on the true properties a of the population, including the true value of a itself. If
               b = 0 then ˆa is called an unbiased estimator of a.

               Example 2.1. An estimator ˆa is biased in such a way that E(ˆa) = a + b(a), where
               the bias b(a) is given by (b 1 − 1)a + b 2 and b 1 and b 2 are known constants. Construct
               an unbiased estimator of a.                                                                    ,

               Solution. Let us first write E(ˆa) is the clearer form

                                             E(ˆa) = a + (b 1 − 1)a + b 2 = b 1 a + b 2 .

               The task of constructing an unbiased estimator is now trivial, and an appropriate choice is
               ˆ a = (ˆa − b 2 )/b1, which (as required) has the expectation value

                                                            E(ˆa) − b 2
                                                    E(ˆa ) =           = a.
                                                                b 1

               Efficiency. The variance of an estimator is given by

                                         ∫                          ∫
                               Var(ˆa) =    (ˆa − E(ˆa)) P(ˆa|a)dˆa =  (ˆa(x) − E(ˆa)) P(x|a)d x           (2.3)
               and describes the spread of values ˆa about E(ˆa) that would result from a large number of samples,
               each of size N. An estimator with a smaller variance is said to be more efficient than one with a
               larger variance. As we show in the next section, for any given quantity a of the population there
               exists atheoretical lower limit on the variance of any estimator ˆa. This result is known as Fisher’s
               inequality (or the Cramér-Rao inequality) and reads

                                                      (        ) 2    [    2    ]
                                                             ∂b          ∂ ln P
                                             Var(ˆa) ≥  1 +       /E −            ,                        (2.4)
                                                            ∂a             ∂a 2

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