Page 57 - 4559
P. 57

Task 1.  Read the following words.
                            compaction - ущільнення           remote area – віддалений
                            literally – буквально, без        lofty – високий, височенний
                            advance – рухатися,               valley glacier – альпійський
                            просуватись вперед                або долинний льодовик
                            precipitous rock wall –           ice sheet – льодовиковий
                            обривиста скеляста стіна          покрив
                            ice shelve – шельфовий            ice cap – льодовикова шапка,
                            льодовик                          льодовиковий покрив
                            outlet glacier – вивідний         encounter - стикатися
                            льодовик, приплив льодовика
                            Piedmont glacier – передгірний
                                   Task 2. Read the text.

                                                    Types of Glaciers
                                   A glacier is a thick ice mass that forms over hundreds or
                            thousands of  years. It originates on  land  from the accumulation,
                            compaction, and recrystallization of snow. A glacier appears to be
                            motionless, but it is not—glaciers move very slowly. Like running
                            water,  groundwater,  wind,  and  waves,  glaciers  are  dynamic
                            erosional agents that accumulate, transport, and deposit sediment.
                            As  such,  glaciers  are  among  the  processes  that  perform  a  very
                            basic  function  in  the  rock  cycle.  Although  glaciers  are  found  in
                            many parts of the world today, most are located in remote areas,
                            either near Earth’s poles or in high mountains.
                                   Literally thousands of relatively small glaciers exist in lofty
                            mountain  areas,  where  they  usually  follow  valleys  that  were
                            originally occupied  by  streams. Unlike the rivers that previously
                            flowed in these valleys, the glaciers advance slowly, perhaps only
                            a few centimetres per day. Because of their setting, these moving
                            ice  masses  are  termed  valley  glaciers  or  alpine  glaciers.  Each

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