Page 51 - 4559
P. 51

                                   Task 1.  Read and memorize the following words:
                            hydrologic cycle –                living tissue – жива тканина
                            гідрологічний цикл, кругообіг
                            води в природі
                            subsurface water – підземні       transpiration - випаровування
                            evapotranspiration -              river channel – річковий
                            евапотранспірація                 канал
                            drought - посуха                  high latitude – висока широта

                            submerge - затоплювати

                                   Task 2. Read the following text.

                                       Earth as a System: The Hydrologic Cycle
                                   Earth is the only planet in the solar system with a global
                            ocean and a hydrologic cycle. Water is found almost everywhere
                            on  Earth—in  the  oceans,  glaciers,  rivers,  lakes,  air,  soil,  and  in
                            living  tissue.  All  of  these  “reservoirs”  constitute  Earth’s
                            hydrosphere, which contains about 1.36 billion km (cubic km) of
                            water. The vast majority of it, about 97%, is stored in the global
                            ocean.  Ice sheets and glaciers account for slightly more than 2%,
                            leaving  less  than  1  %  to  be  divided  among  lakes,  streams,
                            subsurface water, and the atmosphere.
                                   Water  is  constantly  moving  among  Earth’s  different
                            spheres—the hydrosphere, the atmosphere, the geosphere, and the
                            biosphere.  This  unending  circulation  of  water,  called  the
                            hydrologic cycle, describes what happens as water evaporates from
                            the  ocean,  plants,  and  soil,  moves  through  the  atmosphere,  and
                            eventually  falls  as  precipitation.  Precipitation  that  falls  onto  the
                            ocean has completed its cycle and is ready to begin another.
                                   When  precipitation  falls  on  land,  it  either  soaks  into  the
                            ground (the process is called infiltration), flows over the surface

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