Page 113 - 447
P. 113

BOX:  Why might you?

                              1.  . .  . go to live in another country?
                              2.  . .  . stop talking for a day?
                              3.   . .  . eat a piece of paper?
                              4.   . .  . dye your hair green?
                              5.   . .  . go and live in a tree?
                              6.   . .  . ride an elephant?
                              7.   . .  . sleep all day?
                              8.   . .  . jump out of the window?
                              9.   . .  .visit  the  Prime  Minister?
                              10.  .  . . refuse to come to this lesson?
                            Words beginning with ...

                            Vocabulary, spelling.

                            Procedure: Give a letter, and ask the students to write down as
                            many words as they can that begin with it in two minutes. They
                            can do this individually, or in pairs or small groups. Then they tell
                            you what their words are, and you write them up on the board.
                            Encourage students to ask for explanations of words that any of
                            them did not know.

                            Note: It is a good idea at the writing-up stage to have an aim: can
                            we all together get 20, or 30, or 40 words?

                            Variation: Ask students to think of words that end with a certain
                            letter,  or  -  much  easier,  for  elementary  classes  -  that  simply
                            include it.

                            Would you make a good witness?


                            Preparation: Choose a picture of a scene, which is large enough to

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