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way that allows it to evolve and change as the nation itself has grown
                            and developed. Today, more than 200 years after it was written, the
                            Constitution  remains  vital,  alive,  and  at  the  center  of  American
                            political ideals and practices.

                            5.    Tell whether each of the following statements is true or false
                            according to the text. Correct the false statements to make them

                                1.  In  1492 Christopher  Columbus,  an  Italian  sailing under  the
                                   French flag, set out for Asia and discovered a "New World."
                                2.  More  and  more  people  began  to  make  the  difficult  ocean
                                   journey, and immigrants soon founded colonies all along the
                                   Atlantic Coast from Massachusetts to Georgia.
                                3.  George  Washington  of  Virginia  drafted  a  Declaration  of
                                   Independence, which the Congress adopted on July 4, 1786.
                                4.  The federal government could declare war and peace, make
                                   foreign treaties and coin and borrow money – but only with
                                   the consent of two – thirds of the states.
                                5.  The Bill of Rights ensures freedom of religion, a free press,
                                   free speech, protection against illegal searches, the right to a
                                   fair  trial  by  jury  and  protection  against  "cruel  and  unusual
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