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When a potential client phones a company, their first impression of
that company is created by the person who answers the phone. In
order to ensure that the caller develops a positive image within their
mind, the person answering the call must be efficient, confident and
capable of inspiring confidence in the caller. It is a very big
responsibility but by examining existing skills and practicing new
ones this challenge can be met, and the standards maintained.
Professional Telephone Techniques
When answering the telephone always remember:
You are aiming to make the caller pleased that they chose to call your
company. You are aiming to impress the caller with your courtesy and
helpfulness. Answer the telephone with identification
While on the call:
Remember to ensure your opening greeting identity’s you and your
organization clearly, by speaking into the mouthpiece. Always ask for
the caller’s name and use it, it gives the impression of friendly
familiarity. Speaking in a warm, interested tone will add to this.
If you have to ask the caller to wait - explain why. In this situation,
service your call on hold every 30 seconds and thank the caller for
waiting. Make the caller feel that you are anxious and willing to help;
if you agree to call back at a specific time, call - even if you have been
as yet unable to attend to the query or request.
Attend to a query immediately or you may forget. If there are other
priorities, write down the query. Let your caller hang up first and say
"Thank you for calling"
As with any form of communication, when speaking on the telephone,
there are certain elements which will affect the ease with which you
communicate and also the understanding of the message that you are
trying to get across. Comparing the use of the telephone to such
methods as letter writing or face to face meetings, it is easy to see that
the telephone has a lot of limitations. There is no written word to read,
therefore retention of what you have said is difficult. There is no body