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                            either he must break with her now or accept the responsibility of a
                            definite seduction. Her family's encouraging attitude precipitated his
                            decision - one evening when Mr.. Karger knocked discreetly at the
                            library door to announce that he had left a bottle of old brandy in the
                            dining-room, Anson felt that life was hemming him in. That night he
                            wrote her a short letter in which he told her that he was going on his
                            vacation,  and  that  in  view  of  all  the  circumstances  they  had  better
                            meet no more.
                                  It was June. His family had closed up the house and gone to the
                            country, so he was living temporarily at the Yale Club. I had heard
                            about  his  affair  with  Dolly  as  it  developed  –  accounts  salted  with
                            humor, for he despised unstable women, and granted them no place in
                            the social edifice in which he believed – and when he told me that
                            night that he was definitely breaking with her I was glad. I had seen
                            Dolly  here  and  there,  and  each  time  with  a  feeling  of  pity  at  the
                            hopelessness of her struggle, and of shame at knowing so much about
                            her that I had no right to know. She was what is known as "a pretty
                            little  thing,"  but  there  was  a  certain  recklessness  which  rather
                            fascinated  me.  Her  dedication  to  the  goddess  of  waste  would  have
                            been  less  obvious  had  she  been  less  spirited  –  she  would  most
                            certainly throw  herself away, but  I was glad when I  heard that the
                            sacrifice would not be consummated in my sight.
                                  Anson  was  going  to  leave  the  letter  of  farewell  at  her  house
                            next  morning.  It  was  one  of  the  few  houses  left  open  in  the  Fifth
                            Avenue district, and he knew that the Kargers, acting upon erroneous
                            information  from  Dolly,  had  foregone  a  trip  abroad  to  give  their
                            daughter her chance. As he stepped out the door of the Yale Club into
                            Madison  Avenue  the  postman  passed  him,  and  he  followed  back
                            inside. The first letter that caught his eye was in Dolly's hand.
                                  He knew what it would be - a lonely and tragic monologue, full
                            of the reproaches he knew, the invoked memories, the "I wonder if's"
                            – all the immemorial intimacies that he had communicated to Paula
                            Legendre in what seemed another age. Thumbing over some bills, he
                            brought it on top again and opened it. To his surprise it was a short,
                            somewhat formal note, which said that Dolly would be unable to go
                            to the country with him for the week-end, because Perry Hull from
                            Chicago  had  unexpectedly  come  to  town.  It  added  that  Anson  had
                            brought this on himself: " – if I felt that you loved me as I love you I
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