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                            acute  to  wonder.  When  he  saw  a  man's  name  in  her  letters  he  felt
                            more sure of her and a little disdainful – he was always superior to
                            such things. But he still hoped that they would some day marry.
                                  Meanwhile  he plunged  vigorously  into all the movement and
                            glitter of post-bellum New York, entering a brokerage house, joining
                            half a dozen clubs, dancing  late, and moving  in  three worlds  –  his
                            own world, the world of young Yale graduates, and that section of the
                            half-world which rests one end on Broadway. But there was always a
                            thorough  and  infractible  eight  hours  devoted  to  his  work  in  Wall
                            Street, where the combination of his influential family connection, his
                            sharp  intelligence,  and  his  abundance  of  sheer  physical  energy
                            brought  him  almost  immediately  forward.  He  had  one  of  those
                            invaluable minds with partitions in it; sometimes he appeared at his
                            office  refreshed  by  less  than  an  hour's  sleep,  but  such  occurrences
                            were  rare.  So  early  as  1920  his  income  in  salary  and  commissions
                            exceeded twelve thousand dollars.
                                  As the Yale tradition slipped into the past he became more and
                            more of a popular figure among his classmates in New York, more
                            popular than he had ever been in college. He lived in a great house,
                            and had the means of introducing young men into other great houses.
                            Moreover, his life already seemed secure, while theirs, for the most
                            part, had arrived again at precarious beginnings. They commenced to
                            turn to him for amusement and escape, and Anson responded readily,
                            taking pleasure in helping people and arranging their affairs.
                                  There  were  no  men  in  Paula's  letters  now,  but  a  note  of
                            tenderness  ran  through  them  that  had  not  been  there  before.  From
                            several sources he heard that she had "a heavy beau," Lowell Thayer,
                            a Bostonian  of wealth and position, and though he was sure she still
                            loved him, it made him uneasy to think that he might lose her, after
                            all. Save for one unsatisfactory day she had not been in New York for
                            almost  five  months,  and  as  the  rumors  multiplied  he  became
                            increasingly anxious to see her. In February he took his  vacation and
                            went down to Florida.
                                  Palm  Beach    sprawled  plump  and  opulent  between  the
                            sparkling sapphire of Lake Worth, flawed here and there by house-
                            boats  at  anchor,  and  the  great  torquoise  bar  of  the  Atlantic  Ocean.
                            The huge bulks of the Breakers and the Royal Poinciana   rose as twin
                            paunches from the bright level of the sand, and around them clustered
                            the Dancing Glade, Bradley's House of Chance, and a dozen modistes
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