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                            3.  Close reading:
                                a) Read the selection slowly and carefully.
                                b) Look up unfamiliar words in the dictionary.
                                c) Underline the main ideas, major points, and important words.
                                d) Write brief notes in the margin on your responses to the author’s
                            4.  Do the exercises after the reading.
                            5.  Analyse the reading according to the following outline:
                                a) Introduction: (author, title, background, and main idea)
                                b) Form:
                                   i)  Genre
                                   ii)  Structure
                                c) Content:
                                   i)  Theme or thesis
                                   ii)  Plot or action
                                   iii)  Characters
                                   iv)  Setting
                                   v)  Point of view
                                d) Style:
                                   i)  Language
                                   ii)  Tone
                                   iii)  Figures of speech
                                e) Critique:
                                   i)  Critical analysis
                                   ii)  Personal response
                                f) Conclusion
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