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                               ENJOYING  LITERATURE


                                  Enjoying Literature is an Intermediate-high / Upper Intermediate
                            level textbook that is the  ninth part in the  "EFL  Topics  &  Beyond"
                            series  of  learning culture through theme-based content instruction for
                            EFL majors and minors. It contains selections from the masterpieces of
                            English  and  American  short  stories.  The  readings  were  chosen  on  the
                            basis of literary merit, interesting and accessible content, and reasonable
                            length. They offer a wide variety of content, styles, and forms. The intent
                            of this texbook is to encourage students to  delve further into the great
                            works of world literature.
                                  Enjoying  Literature  combines  the  reading  of  literature,  the
                            acquisition  of  language  knowledge,  and  the  acquisition  of
                            communication  skills.  It  is  a  learner-centered  textbook  with  an
                            integrated-skills  approach  to  teaching  EFL.  Students  develop  their
                            reading,  speaking,  and  writing  skills  as  they  undertake  the  tasks  after
                            each  story.  The  teacher  should  function  more  as  facilitator  and  equal
                            participant than as a traditional teacher lecturing to the class. Though the
                            textbook  encourages  independent  work  and  self-reliance,  it  also
                            presupposes  group  work.  The  atmosphere  of  collaborative  learning
                            motivates students to share their responses.
                                  The goals of Enjoying Literature are as follows:
                               general educational goals:
                                   to  educate  the  whole  person  by  stimulating  the  students'
                                   imagination,  developing  their  critical  abilities,  encreasing  their
                                   emotional awareness.
                                  to increase students’ understanding and enjoyment of literature;
                                   to  provide  motivating  material  with  interesting  and  thought-
                                   provoking points of comparison;
                                   to    provide  students  with  access  to  the  culture  of  the  people
                                   whose  language  they  are  studying;  to  broaden  cross-cultural
                               language acquisition goals:
                                   to encourage language acquisition;
                                   to expose students to complex themes and fresh, unexpected uses
                                   of language;
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