Page 24 - 383_
P. 24


                            Step 1
                            Pre-text exercises.
                            Make sure that you know these words:

                            material; phenomenon, (pl) phenomena; manifestation; magnetism;
                            induction;  practical;  period;  telegraph;  telephone;  Coulomb;
                            machine;  associate;  chemical;  concentrate;  oxide;  sulfate;
                            proportion; arc; energy, nature.

                            Step 2
                            Give English equivalents to the Ukrainian words and word -
                            combinations in brackets and translate the sentences into

                            1.  When  we  rub  (певнi)  substances,  notably  (янтар)  and  (скло)
                            with (шовк) or (хутро), they (набувати) the (здатність) to attract
                            small (клаптики паперу) and (корок).
                            2. This (явище) is the manifestation of electricity.
                            3. (Подібні до цього), the ability of certain (залізна руда) such as
                            (магнітний залізняк) to attract small bits of iron is a manifestation
                            of magnetism.
                            4. All these things were known from (стародавні часи).
                            5.  Most  of  the  basic  (кількісні  закони)  of  electricity  and
                            magnetism were discovered between 1784 and 1831.
                            6. Michael Faraday discovered magnetic (індукція).
                            7. (До цього часу) the only practical electrical (винахід) was the
                            8.  The  practical  utilization  of  electricity  (збільшувати)  rapidly
                            with  development  of  the  telegraph,  the  telephone,  incandescent
                            lighting and electric motors
                            9. Uses of electricity (розширювати) to this day with the (сучасна
                            революція) in microelectronics.
                            10. Microelectronics gives us (все зростаюче керування) over the

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