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Часові  форми  групи  Perfect

           Present      Perfect  I have Already              Have   you              I haven’t
           передає дію,  що        spoken  to my   already spoken   spoken  to
           завершилась  до        friend about  it .  to your  friend  my  friend
           моменту  мов-                                      about  it?        about  it  yet.

           лення,  резуль-        Tom has
           тат  дії    є    в     Brought the            Who  has               Tom hasn’t
           теперішньому           book.                  Brought the            brought

           часі.                                         book?                  the  book.

               Past   Per-        I had already          Had  you               I hadn’t
           fect  передає          spoken  to             already                spoken  to
           дію,  що               my  friend             spoken  to             my  friend
           закінчи-               about   it             your  friend           about  it

           лась  до  пев-         before  Kate           about  it              before  Kate
           ного  момен-           came  in.              before  Kate           came  in.
           ту  в  мину-                                  came  in?

                                  Nick had               Why had                Nick
                                  brought  the           nick                   hadn’t

                                  book  by               brought  the           brought  the
                                  five  o’clock.         book  by               book  by
                                                         five  o’clock?         five  o’clock.

              Future  Per-        I will  (shall)        Will you               I will  not
           fect  передає          have spoken            have  spoken           (shall  not)
           дію,  що               to  my                 to  your               spoken  to
           здійсни-               friend                 friend                 my  friend

           ться  до  пев-         about  it              about  it              about  it
           ного  момен-           before  Kate           before  Kate           before  Kate
           ту  в  май-            comes  in.             comes  in?             comes  in.

                                  Nick will              Who will               Nick will
                                  have                   have                   not  have
                                  brought  the           brought  the           bpought  the

                                  book  by               book  by               book  by
                                  five  o’clock.         five  o’clock?         five  o’clock.

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