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                             Eyes  Hair   Smile   Face   Voice   Manners  Distinguishing marks

                             anxious       engaging           low          shadowed
                             artificial    enigmatic          luxuriant    shameless
                             auburn        fixed              mellow       sincere
                             beard         golden             mocking      slanted
                             categorical   grizzling          mole         smiling
                             curly         hazel              moonlike     soft
                             deep          heavily made up    moustache    stiff
                             deep-set      ironical           oval         strawberry mark
                             dreamy        jet-black          refined      swarthy
                             dyed          long-sighted       scar         waved


                                 Intellectual ability   Attitudes towards   Attitudes towards
                                                             life            other people
                               Ability      Lacking

                             argumentative  down-to-earth     ill-mannered    sensible
                             brainless       dumb             intelligent     sensitive
                             bright          easy-going       introverted     shrewd
                             crafty          envious          optimistic      silly
                             cruel           even-tempered    pessimistic     simple
                             cunning         extroverted      relaxed         sly
                             daft            gifted           rude            smart
                             dim             gregarious       sadistic        sociable

                            13. Match the nouns with their definitions.

                             1.  a pessimist    a.  a  person  who  sees  little  or  no  good  in
                                                   anything  and  who  has  no  belief  in  human
                                                   progress, who shows this by being sarcastic
                             2.  a mixer        b.  a person who doubts the truth of a particular
                                                   claim, theory, belief
                             3.   a skeptic     c.  a  person  who  knows  by  intuition  what

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