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3.Circle the synonyms.

                            1.stubborn         9.brave         13.ingenuous
                            2.sentimental    6.attractive     10.bottled-up   14..ingenious
                            3.matter-of-fact   7.placid       11.fearful      15.flattery
                            4.practical      8.wicked         12.special      16. ridiculous

                             absurd               enchanting             perfect
                             agreeable            energetic              picturesque
                             bad                  enthusiastic           pleasant
                             bold                 evil                   prosaic
                             boring               exceptional            quiet
                             calm                 faint-hearted          rational
                             charming             fascinating            reasonable
                             chicken-hearted      frank                  reserved
                             clever               heartless               resourceful
                             cold-blooded         honey-mouthed          self-contained
                             commonplace          ill-considered         sensible
                             courageous           inhuman                sincere
                             disgusting           inventive              singular
                             down-to-earth        lively                 skilful
                             dull                 obstinate              timid
                             eager                oily                   uninteresting
                             emotional            particular             unique

                            4. Fill in the blanks with the words from the table.

                            a. happy-go-lucky      g. ill-mannered       m. shy
                            b. easy-going          h. well-balanced      n. curious
                            c. inquisitive         i. taciturn           o. moody
                            d. well-thought-of     j. ill-bred           p. awkward
                            e. lazy                k. greedy             q. industrious
                            f. ill-tempered        l. bad-tempered       r. naughty

                            1.  If a person is rude and lack manners, we say he is ….or ….
                            2.  If a person has good reputation, we say he is ……
                            3.  If a person is always quarreling with his/her friends, colleagues,
                                relatives, we say s/he is …….
                            4.  If a person is sane and sensitive, we say s/he is …..
                            5.  If a person is carefree, we say s/he is …….

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