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                     Abstract  (lat.  Referre  -  report,  report)  brings  up  the  sub-sums  of  studying  by
               students as a separate topic, and discipline in this issue. The volume of the abstract is
               determined  by  the  specifics  of  the  research  paper  and  the  content  of  the  materials
               (documents), their scientific value and practical values and is 10-15 pages. Abstract
               must  comply  with  the  requirements  for  the  manuscript  qualifying  work:  the
               introduction  and  conclusions  in  the  amount  should  not  exceed  20%  of  its  total
               volume; the text is printed in 1.5 intervals on one page of a standard sheet with the
               following fields: the left - 30 mm, the right – 15 mm, the upper – 20 mm, the bottom
               - 20 mm; All pages are numbered: the total numbering begins with the cover page,
               the serial number on it is not put.
                     The  title  page  of  the  abstract  indicates:  the  official  name  of  the  institution;
               surname and initials of the author of the abstract; full title of the topic; surname and
               initials of the head; the city where the educational institution is located and the year
               of writing the abstract. After the title page, the content of the abstract is given with
               the exact name of each section and the indication of its pages.
                     The list of used sources consists of compliance with the general requirements for
               works  that  are  being  prepared  for  printing.  The  list  of  available  sources  should
               include  only  the  directly  used  in  the  abstract  of  the  authors  alphabetical  order.
               Monographs and collections that do not have the title page of the author's surnames
               are included in the general list by the alphabetical placement of the header.
                     The choice of the topic of the abstract. The theme of the abstract is not just a
               repetition  of  the  learned  material  of  the  lecture  or  practical  lesson.  It  must  be  an
               independent study of a specific problem, clearly distinct from others. The choice of
               the  topic  of  the  abstract  student  makes  from  the  list  of  indicative  topics  of  the
               abstracts to the course "Sociology" and specifies it with the teacher.
                     Abstracts structure:
                     - title page;
                     - content (plan);
                     - Introduction;
                     - sections (they are often divided into paragraphs);
                     - conclusions;
                     - references;
                     - applications (which are tables, diagrams, diagrams, etc.);
                     - a list of symbols.
                     The  introduction  of  the  abstract  substantiates  the  relevance  of  the  topic,  its
               specialty,  relevance  in  the  light  of  the  development  of  science  and  practice  or
               scientific and methodological activity in the field of education. In the introduction, it
               is necessary to analyze the sources used, while naming the authors who have studied
               this  subject,  to  determine  the  essence  of  the  main  factors  influenced  by  the
               development  of  the  phenomenon  or  the  process  under  study,  on  insufficiently
               researched issues, find out the reasons for them weak argumentation.
                     The main part of the abstract is not more than 2-3 sections, logically linked to
               each other.

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