Page 11 - 6684
P. 11
Discrepancy between theoretical and actual pressure changes
over time. Method of superposition. Selection of oil production
wells. Dynamic of the main indicators of development under
elastic-water drive.
Development of oil fields in the solution gas drive. The
assumptions underlying the hydrodynamic theory of development
of oil under the solution gas drive. Definition oil saturation the end
of the interval pressure changes (method Zinovieva).
Definition of flowrates and bottom-hole pressures under the
solution gas drive. Definition validities. Placement of wells in the
deposit under the solution gas drive. Oil recovery factor. Dynamic
of the main indicators of development.
Classification and characteristics of development systems.
Knowledge of development systems. Placement of wells on the
oil-bearing area.
[1, 6, 8, 11]
Control questions
11. Origin conditions of elastic water pressure mode.
12. How to determine an elastic layer stock?
13. What is the piezoconductivity of layer, formula,
14. Present the main formula of elastic mode.
15. Superposition method, it’s main point, when is it used.
16. Draw and explain the dynamic of main development
indicators for elastic water pressure mode.
17. Origin conditions for dissolved gas mode.
18. What is Carevich function?
19. Draw the dependency of layer oil and gas properties
from saturation pressure.
20. Present the necessary formulas for the flowrate
determination of an oil borehole under the dissolved gas mode.
21. Present the formula of bottom pressure determination