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Latitude  –  the  latitude  of  a  feature  is  its  angular  distance  on  a  meridian,

               measured northwards or southwards from the Equator.
                     Longitude – an angular  distance  measured east or  west along the equator
               from a reference meridian (Greenwich).
                     Magnetic  north  –  the  direction  as  indicated  by  a  compass  to  the  earth
               magnetic pole.

                     Map  –  a  representation  of  the  Earth’s  surface.  A  cadastral  map  is  one
               showing the land subdivided into units of ownership; a topographic  map is one
               showing  the  physical  and  superficial  features  as  they  appear  on  the  ground;  a

               thematic  map  displays  a  particular  theme,  such  as  vegetation  or  population
                     Map  projection  –  any  systematic  way  of  representing  the  meridians  and
               parallels of the Earth upon a plane surface.

                     Mercator projection – the conformal cylindrical projection tangential to the
               Equator,  possessing  the  additional  valuable  property  that  all  rhumb  lines  are
               represented by straight lines. Used extensively for hydrographic and aeronautical

                     Meridian  –  an  imaginary  line  from  the  North  Pole  to  the  South  Pole
               connecting points of equal longitude.
                     Relief – the deviation of an area of the Earth’s surface from a plane. It refers
               to the physical shape of the surface of the Earth.

                     Rhumb line – a curve on the surface of a sphere that cuts all meridians at the
               same angle; the path that maintains a constant true bearing.
                     Topography –  description or representation on  a map of the  physical and
               cultural surface features.

                     Transverse  Mercator  (TM)  projection  –  a  conformal  cylindrical  map
               projection,  originally  devised  by  Gauss,  also  known  as  the  Gauss-Kruger
               projection.  As its name implies, its construction  is on the same principle as the
               Mercator projection, the only difference being that the great circle of tangency is

               now any nominated meridian. Meridians and parallels are curved lines, except for
               the central meridian for a specified zone (meridian of tangency), which remains a
               straight  line.  The  amount  of  scale  distortion  may  become  unacceptable  at
               distances greater than about 1.5 degrees in longitude from the central meridian.

                     WGS84  –  World  Geodetic  System  1984  –  a  geocentric  geodetic  datum
               developed by the United States Department of Defense for use with GPS.

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