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Література: [3; 4; 6; 8; 11; 14; 15; 19].
Практичне заняття № 7
Holidays and special occasions
Мета to study what aspects of holidays and special occasions, and the
customs associated with them, are different from those in your country?
1. Traditional seaside holidays.
2. Modern holidays.
3. Christmas and New Year.
4. Other notable annual occasions.
Питання для самоконтролю
1. Why, do you think, have the two traditional types of holiday (at
seaside boarding houses and at holiday camps) in Britain become less
popular in the last quarter of the twentieth century? Is the modern pattern
of British holiday-making the same as it is for people in your country?
2. What aspects of Christmas in Britain, and the customs associated
with it, are different from those in your country?
3. In Britain, you are generally considered to be unfortunate if your
birthday is in the last half of December. Why? What special days do you
have in your country for individuals to celebrate which British people don't
Практичне завдання
Prepare a presentation on the one of the following topics :
1. Christmas traditions in Britain and Ukraine.