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time,  in  the  sphere  where  state  coercion  is  applied,  society  and  a
                  person are confronted with a number of disturbing phenomena. State
                  bodies  and  officials  who  investigate  cases  about  offenses,  are
                  endowed with authority, unreasonable and unlawful use of which may

                  cause significant losses to the rights and freedoms of a person. It is not
                  a secret that the specifics of the activity of law enforcement bodies,
                  which  are  obliged  to  promptly  stop  the  offense,  sometimes  adds

                  indictment bias to the investigation of criminal and other cases. The
                  secret  of  inquiry  and  investigation  which  are  necessary  against
                  offenses may cause the lack of publicity, indulgence of arbitrariness in
                  obtaining  evidence  and  intimidation  of  persons  brought  to  the

                  investigation.  The  aspiration  to  justify  the  prosecution  as  soon  as
                  possible and to terminate the case in due time may lead to the artificial
                  creation of evidence, up to the suspect's desire to plead guilty to an

                  offense  that  he/she  may  not  have  done.  As  a  result,  sometimes  an
                  innocent person is accused and, conversely, corrupt law enforcement
                  officers  have  plenty  of  opportunities  to  relieve  the  perpetrator  from

                         The  procedural  regulation  of  legal  liability  is  essential  in
                  resolving many of these issues. In determining the procedural order of

                  carrying  out  the  liability,  there  is  a  pattern:  the  more  severe  the
                  sanction  to  be  applied,  the  more  complex  the  procedures  for
                  investigating  the  circumstances  of  the  case,  the  preparation  and
                  adoption  of  a  decision  on  the  application  or  non-application  of

                  sanctions are. Therefore, the general principles of legal liability were
                  mostly developed in the criminal process; other types of liability are
                  exercised on the same principles.

                         The basic principle of legal liability is legitimacy. It means that
                  the liability is applied only for the offense, that is, the guilty unlawful
                  act committed by a delinquent person.
                         In the application of liability, the law prohibiting any act should

                  not be  given  retroactive  force  for  the  reason  that  the  law  is  usually
                  directed to the future, regulates the willful behaviour of people who
                  compare their actions with their legal assessment (for which to punish

                  a  person,  if  he/she  did  not  know  that  this  act  would  be  forbidden
                  once?).  For  the  same  reason,  it  must  be  known  in  advance  which
                  punishment or penalty will be imposed on those who commit such an

                  offense.  The  addition  of  the  retroactive  effect  of  the  law,  which

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