Page 92 - 6200
P. 92

Unit 6
                                        Oil and gas: characteristics and occurrence
               Answer the following questions.

                 1. What two elements do make up hydrocarbons?
                 2. What is the simplest hydrocarbon?
                 3. What kind of pressure is called normal?
                 4. What is the main component of natural gas?
                 5. Where does natural gas usually occur?
                 6. What are the main components of LPG?
                 7. What is a crude oil?
                 8. What types of crude oil do you know?
                 9. What is the main difference between “sour crude oil” and “sweet crude oil”?
                 10. What is a reservoir?
                 11. In what cases is the rock characterized as permeable?
                 12. What are the main two types of reservoir shapes or traps?
                 13. What is a fault?
                 14. What is an anticline?
                 15. Who are wildcatters?
                 16. What science is called seismology?
                 17. What is the synonym for the word-combination “geophysicists”?
                 18. Name three main types of wells, classified by the industry.
                 19. When is a development well usually drilled?
                 20. What is the main purpose for drilling a development well?

               Choose the correct answer.
               1. Two elements, hydrogen and … make up a hydrocarbon.
               a) oxygen
               b) carbon
               c) no correct variant

               2. What is the simplest hydrocarbon?
               a) oxygen
               b) carbon
               c) methane
               d) no correct variant

               3. What is the pressure the atmosphere exerts at sea level?
               a) low pressure
               b) normal pressure
               c) high pressure
               d) no correct variant

               4. What is the main component of natural gas?
               a) carbon
               b) methane
               c) oxygen
               d) no correct variant

               5. Sometimes natural gas also contains nonhydrocarbon gases and liquids such as helium, carbon
               dioxide, nitrogen, and …

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