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P. 79

d) no correct variant

               24. Find the meaning of the term “whale oil”:
               a) a yellowish oil obtained from whale blubber, formerly used in making soap and candles and as
               a lubricating oil and a fuel for lamps
               b) a structure in which rock layers slope away in all directions from a central point
               c) a flammable hydrocarbon oil used as fuel in lamps and heaters
               d) no correct variant

               25.Give the Ukrainian equivalent for the term “cable-tool rig”:
               a) установка для роторного буріння
               b) бурова площадка, платформа
               c) верстат ударно-канатного буріння
               d) no correct variant

               26.Give the Ukrainian equivalent for the term “to seep”:
               a) проріджуватися
               b) просочуватися
               c) появлятися
               d) no correct variant

               27.Give the English equivalent for the term “глиниста кірка на стінках свердловини”:
               a) wall cake
               b) wall sweet
               c) wall dish
               d) no correct variant

               28.Give the English equivalent for the term “встановлювати обсадну колону”:
               a) to produce
               b) to stir up
               c) to run casing
               d) no correct variant

               29.Give the English equivalent for the term “верхній шар ґрунту”:
               a) first soil
               b) main soil
               c) top soil
               d) no correct variant

               30.  Give the Ukrainian equivalent for the term “spudded”:
               a) забурена свердловина
               b) обвалена свердловина
               с) не робоча свердловина
               d) no correct variant

                                                           Unit 3

                                               Cable-tool and rotary drilling
               Answer the following questions.
                1.  What are the two drilling techniques?
                2.  Why did the ancient Egyptians drill holes using hand-powered rotating bits?
                3.  What did Colonel Drake and Uncle Billy use to drill the Oil Creek site?

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