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Список викорисатої літератури
1. Р. Калбертсон Быстрое тестирование/ К. Браун, Г. Кобб – издательский дом
«Вильямс» 2001.
2. Boehm, Barry W. (2000). Software Cost Estimation with COCOMO II.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
3. Fewster, Mark, and Dorothy Graham. (1999). Software Test Automation.
Reading, MA: Addi- son-Wesley.
4. Humphrey, Watts S. (2000). Introduction to the Team Software Process.
Reading.MA: Addison- Wesley.
5. IEEE. (1993). IEEE Standard 1044, IEEE Standard for Software Anomalies, ©
1993 IEEE, New York, NY.
6. Kaner, Cem, Jack Falk, and Hung Quoc Nguyen. (1999). Testing Computer
Software (2nd ed.). New York: Wiley.
7. Lewis, William E. (2000). Software Testing and Continuous Quality
Improvement. Boca Raton, FL: Auerbach.
8. Perry, William E. (2000). Effective Methods for Software Testing(2nd ed.). New
York: Wiley.
9. Pfleeger, Shari Lawrence. (2001). Software Engineering: Theory and Practice
(2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
10. Schulmeyer, G. Gordon and Garth R. Mackenzie. (2000). Verification and
Validation of Modern Software-Intensive Systems. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hall.
11. van Soligen, Rini, and Egon Berghout. (1999). The Goal/Question/Metric
Method: A practical guide for quality improvement of software development.
Berkshire, England: McGraw-Hill Book Company, UK.
12. p. 5 From Verification and Validation of Modern Software-Intensive Systems by
Schulmeyer 8c MacKenzie. © 2000. Reprinted by permission of Pearson
Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ.
13. McConnell, Steve. (1996). Rapid Development: Taming Wild Software Schedules.
Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press.