Page 41 - 4670
P. 41
Task 1. Retell the following text in English using the given
words and word-combinations:
to describe location – описувати місцевість;
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) grid system – сіткова
система універальної поперечної проекції Меркатора;
basic unit of measurement – головна одиниця вимірювання;
a two-dimensional plane – двохвимірна площина;
International Date Line – міжнародна лінія зміни дат;
false origin – помилкове походження;
easting (longitudinal distance) – відстань, пройдена курсом на
northing (latitudinal distance) – дрейф на північ;
relative to – відносний до;
respectively – відповідно.
Universal Transverse Mercator System (UTM)
A very important commonly used method to describe location on
the Earth is the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) grid system.
This rectangular coordinate system is metric, incorporating the
meter as its basic unit of measurement. UTM also uses the Transverse
Mercator projection system to model the Earth’s spherical surface
onto a two-dimensional plane. The UTM system divides the world's
surface into six degree longitude wide zones that run north-south.
These zones start at the International Date Line and are successively
numbered in an eastward direction. Each zone stretches from 84°
North to 80° South. In the center of each of these zones is a central
meridian. Location is measured in these zones from a false origin
which is determined relative to the intersection of the equator and the
central meridian for each zone. For locations in the Northern
Hemisphere, the false origin is 500,000 meters west of the central
meridian on the equator. Coordinate measurements of location in the
Northern Hemisphere using the UTM system are made relative to this
point in meters in eastings (longitudinal distance) and northings
(latitudinal distance). The point defined by the intersection of 50°
North and 9° West would have a UTM coordinate of Zone 29, 500000
meters east (E), 5538630 meters north (N). In the Southern
Hemisphere, the origin is 10,000,000 meters south and 500,000 meters