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Chapter 2

               Mathematical Statistics

               In this chapter, we turn to the study of statistics, which is concerned with the analysis of
               experimental data. In a book of this nature we cannot hope to do justice to such a large subject;
               indeed, many would argue that statistics belongs to the realm of experimental science rather
               than in a mathematics textbook. Nevertheless, physical scientists and engineers are regularly
               called upon to perform a statistical analysis of their data and to present their results in a
               statistical context. Therefore, we will concentrate on this aspect of a much more extensive

                      2.1. Experiments, samples and populations

                   We may regard the product of any experiment as a set of N measurements of some quantity x
               or set of quantities x, y, . . . , z. This set of measurements constitutes the data. Each measurement
               (or data item) consists accordingly of a single number x i or a set of numbers (x i , y i , . . . , z i ), where
               i = 1, . . . , N. For the moment, we will assume that each data item is a single number, although
               our discussion can be extended to the more general case.
                   As a result of inaccuracies in the measurement process, or because of intrinsic variability in
               the quantity x being measured, one would expect the N measured values x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x N to be
               different each time the experiment is performed. We may therefore consider the x i as a set of
               N random variables. In the most general case, these random variables will be described by some
               N-dimensional joint probability density function P(x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x N ). In other words, an experiment
               consisting of N measurements is considered as a single randomsample from the joint distribution
               (x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x N ).
                   The situation is simplified considerably if the sample values x i are independent. In this case,
               the N-dimensional joint distribution P(x) factorizes into the product of N one-dimensional
                                                P(x) = P(x 1 )P(x 2 ) · · · P(x N ).                       (1.1)

               In the general case, each of the one-dimensional distributions P(x i ) may be different. A typical
               example of this occurs when N independent measurements are made of some quantity x but the
               accuracy of the measuring procedure varies between measurements.
                   It is often the case, however, that each sample value x i is drawn independently from the same
               population. In this case, P(x) is of the form (1.1), but, in addition, P(x i ) has the same form for
               each value of i. The measurements x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x N are then said to form a random sample of size
               N from the one-dimensional population P(x). This is the most common situation met in practice
               and, unless stated otherwise, we will assume from now on that this is the case.

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