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P. 29
columnar jointing – колоноподібне aerial - легкий
cut across – охоплювати, включати conduit - трубопровід, водовід
(підземний) ; акведук
discordant - суперечний, невідповідний, shallow - мілкий, мілководний;
дискордантний; який не узгоджується неглибокий
eroded - розмитий; вивітрений; fissure – розлом, тріщина
intrusion - інтрузія магми; проникнення fracture –розлом, тріщина
(солі, виверженого матеріалу)
massive - щільний, ненашарований; sedimentary bed – осадовий пласт
range - ставити, розташовувати по swarm- маса
reflect – відображати tensional forces – сили напруги
stretch - розтягувати, витягувати, radiate - розходитися променями;
подовжувати виходити з однієї точки (лінії);
tabular - пластовий, плитчастий,
плитоподібний; пластинчастий,
Task 2. Read the following text, translate it into Ukrainian.
Intrusive Igneous Activity
When magma rises through the crust, it forcefully displaces preexisting crustal
rocks referred to as host or country rock. Invariably, some of the magma will not reach
the surface but will instead crystallize or “freeze” at depth where it becomes an intrusive
igneous rock.
Nature of Intrusive Bodies. The structures that result from the emplacement of
magma into preexisting rocks are called intrusions or plutons. Intrusions are known to
occur in a great variety of sizes and shapes. Some plutons have a tabular (tabletop)
shape, whereas others are best described as massive. Also, some of these bodies cut
across existing structures, such as sedimentary strata; whereas others form when magma
is injected between sedimentary layers. Because of these differences, intrusive igneous
bodies are generally classified according to their shape as either tabular or massive and
by their orientation with respect to the host rock. Igneous bodies are said to be
discordant if they cut across existing structures and concordant if they form parallel to
features such as sedimentary strata.
Tabular Intrusive Bodies: Dikes and Sills. Tabular intrusive bodies are
produced when magma is forcibly injected into a fracture or zone of weakness, such as a
bedding surface. Dikes are discordant bodies that cut across bedding surfaces or other
structures in the host rock. By contrast, sills are nearly horizontal, concordant bodies
that form when magma exploits weaknesses between sedimentary beds. In general,
dikes serve as tabular conduits that transport magma, whereas sills store magma. Dikes
and sills are typically shallow features, occurring where the host rocks are sufficiently
brittle to fracture. Although they can range in thickness from less than a millimeter to
over a kilometer, most are in the 1- to 20-meter range. Dikes and sills can occur as
solitary bodies, but dikes in particular tend to form in roughly parallel groups called
dike swarms. These multiple structures reflect the tendency for fractures to form in sets
when tensional forces stretch brittle country rock. Dikes can also occur radiating from
an eroded volcanic neck, like spokes on a wheel. In these situations the active ascent of