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P. 52

The big minute hand did not

             Suddenly someone shouted

                4. Translate into English:

                            Ukrainian                                        English
             Ми пішли до ратуші

             Ми чекали, але нічого не

             Вже дві хвилини по

             Годинник зупинився

             Великий годинник

             відмовився зустрічати
             Новий Рік

                5. Сhoral repetition: repeat the phrases from task 2 in unison,

                following the teacher as a model

                6. Individual repetition

                7. Individual practice: practice the text. In a strict application of
                the audio-lingual method, the teacher is prepared to correct any

                and all mistakes made by the student

                8. Listen to the texts from “Alexander Stories” Lesson 10 “Not

                for jazz”

                9.  Be  sure  you  know  the  words,  phrases  and  word


             to keep                        to break                        to be called
             to belong to                   not to allow                    to be damaged

             to bring                       to repair                       to play

             to be shocked                  to be made                      to strike

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