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                            to  write  a  check  when  you  do  not  have  enough  money  in  your
                            account to cover it.
                            brand name
                            brand-name products are made by famous national manufacturers
                            and are familiar to most people through advertising: stall brand.
                            things sold "in bulk" are sold in large sizes or in multiple packs,
                            rather than as individual items.
                            in stores, the place where shoppers pay for their purchases.
                            to put money into a bank account; pay in.
                            dry goods
                            merchandise such as clothing, fabrics, and related goods.
                            an electronic auction carried out over the Internet.
                            a TV show that is not aired regularly, the object of which is to sell
                            a product. They feature repeated demonstrations of all the amazing
                            things  that  the  product  can  do  as  well  as  long  speeches  from
                            satisfied customers. Minor celebrities are sometimes used to help
                            sell a product.
                            used  to describe  a  store  that has  little or no decorations, has no
                            special  customer  services  such  as  home  deliveries  and  fitting
                            rooms, and which charges very low prices.
                            package store
                            a store that sells sealed alcoholic beverages that are to be drunk
                            fresh fruit and vegetables. A greengrocer's is a produce stand.
                            shipping and handling (S&H)
                            an  amount  of  money  that  is  paid  to  cover  the  delivery  of
                            merchandise ordered by mail or over the phone or Internet; postage
                            and packing.
                            strip mall
                            a  shopping  area  that  consists  of  a  single  row  of  stores  with  a
                            parking lot in front.
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